Sunday, December 31, 2006

Watching the Boojees

We had planned to take an end of 2006 hike among the Oakland redwoods today, but since my brother Bobby is sick, we decided to stay where I knew I could get cell phone service and went for a walk at Lake Merritt instead.

We ended up looking at lots of birdies (or as tyson called them, boojees) and having lots of fun at the playground. I forgot to bring my camera today so just took a couple pics using my phone...

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Welcome the New Year!

One of my goals for 2007 is to take more pictures and keep more notes of all the wonderful (and not so wonderful) things that happen to and around me and my guys. I'd also like to share this with interested family and friends. Hence, a blog.

Although T Senior has the capability to post here, I have a feeling that most of what you'll find on this blog will make its way here via my fingers. So, you can expect to find my slightly more dramatic and wordy point of view more often here, rather than his level-headed, and perhaps, more historically accurate take on things. Either way, the pictures will be, for the most part, unaltered.

Happy 2007!