Fun at the Chabot Space and Science Center with Theo and Zac...

tyson sleeps in his big-boy bed...

Tyson is shocked!

This weekend Grandpa John, Grandma Iva, Great-grandma Alice (Iva's mom from Oregon), Tonia, and Michael came to town. On Saturday, Iva, Alice, Tonia, and I attended Alison's baby shower and the guys hung out!
Here's a pic of Alison's friends and one of Iva at the shower:

Pop and Unckie Mike let tyson drive the truck!

I went to another baby shower today. Simon's mom, Andrea, will be having a baby girl (Sadie) in April. While the women-folk were at the shower, the men-folk (Tyson and Adrian and Simon's dads Carlo and Gabe) took the boy-folk out for some food and drinks at Kensington Circus Pub (which is becoming a favorite restaurant for me and the Tysons). Andrea, Mag, and I met the guys there after the girly-fun. Simon, Adrian, and tyson had a good time hanging out in a big red tub in the play area of the restaurant and having Carlo swing them around a bit

for more new pictures SOON!
I'm sorry I haven't posted any new pics lately. I've been furiously knitting up a couple gifts and have neglected my blogging duties :)
I promise I'll post some tomorrow.
Here's a older pic of our favorite little guy (from Valentine's Day 2005) to tide you over...

Dear Puppy,
I am the luckiest person in the world for having you in my life and am so happy that you picked me to spend your life with. I think this all the time, but since it's Valentine's Day I'll type it out loud! Thank you for being the most wonderful, smartest, silliest, lovingest, best, best husband and poppy in the world. I love you so much!
I can't believe it's already Feb. 10 and this is the first time I'm posting any pics... It must be because we've all been sick AGAIN! It's getting absolutely ridiculous. Tyson got the flu last weekend so we didn't make it to Monterey - then tyson and I got colds this past week. I've still got a little sniffliness, and tyson's got a bit of a cough left, but this MUST be the last time we get sick this season! No more sick allowed.
Here are some pics from the beginning of Feb. 07.
A little lunch in front of the TV for a sick little tyson.

We got some Playdoh last week and tyson loves it! He'll play with it for as long as we'll let him. He's our super-sculptor.

He's also been enjoying some plain yogurt with maple syrup lately.

Mom as tyson's donkey...

On Thurs, we met up with our friends - Adrian, Simon, and their mommies - at the local coffee shop, World Grounds, before dance class. They have a back-yard area with a few toys for kids, but the boys favorite "toy" was an old crib that was back there!

Tyson & tyson.

On Friday, tyson and I went to Play Cafe for the morning. tyson had a BALL!

Here's a pic of him in Oct. 05 in the same ball pit! So little.

And, no matter how many trains he has at home, he's got to spend time at any train tables he comes across when we're out!

See you later!