Poor little Rain dog. I couldn't resist knitting her a sweater. It fits her perfectly and I think she looks so, so cute in it. She does not like it at all.
She sat perfectly still for 10 minutes when I put it on her. It may look like she moved because she's facing the opposite way in the second picture, but it was I who picked her up and turned her around so the sun would light her up a little more. She was absolutely stiff - except for a little trembling - while the sweater was on her. I was hoping she would get use to it, but her eyes got watery and she looked like she was going to burst into tears, so, no matter how adorable the sweater looked on her, I had to remove it. Luckily, she immediately sprang back to her old self when the sweater was off.
I'll try again tomorrow. I hope she'll eventually realize that sweaters are fun!