I couldn't resist biting off the head of the cute Easter Bunny that Grandma Mary gave to tyson. He got some of the chocolate, but I got the best part - the ears!
Our friend Angie came to visit this past week. She works for a place called "The Wood Working Show." They were having a trade show nearby so she got to come up and see us! It was fun having her around - tyson especially liked that she let him engage in his tummy obsession with her!
We all went over to Tom, Wendy, Ryland and Georgia's house on Thursday for dinner. (We had chinese food, which was the second out of three times we ate chinese food from the same restaurant while Angie was in town. It's good stuff!) Anyway, a quiet visit somehow turned into a wild dancing and "gymnastics" demonstration by Ryland and Georgia. tyson tried to keep up, but he just doesn't have the moves yet - he's just too young and inexperienced!
We met up with some friends on Friday morning at Middle Harbor Shoreline Park - a great park right near the water and the shipping docks in Oakland. It's got a fun playground and a great view of the Bay Bridge and the ships and trucks going in and out of the docks.
On Saturday we headed over to the Oakland Museum of CA. We had thought there was going to be a photo exhibit on Yosemite, but got the dates wrong. It was OK because we had a good time looking at the current and permanent exhibits that were there. One was called 100 Families that was fun. It includes art from 100 families who live in Oakland. They also had an area where kids could draw and build with blocks, etc. tyson really loved that - actually both Tysons really loved that!
We stopped into the Hardware store on Sunday morning to pick up some garden supplies. They have a nice nursery at this hardware store and a sweet little cat that will let tyson pet him when he's eating at on the counter, but won't let tyson catch him when he's running around outside.
Later in the day we did some finger-painting. Tyson loves to squish around in the paint and today decided to give himself a little facial with it, too!
Thanks for all the eggs! Eggs, eggs, and more eggs!
Even before the easter weekend, tyson was deep into the eggs... he's been a regular little chef in the kitchen lately. His latest creation was a quiche. I cracked the eggs and delivered to him the ingredients and he added them into the bowl and whisked like a pro!
We started our Easter weekend with a LONG drive to Southern California. It wasn't too bad, but I think we'll be flying the next time we take a trip to LA. tyson's just not as content as he use to be riding in the back seat of the car and looking at the scenery between snoozes. We did stop along the way for some fun, and even happened upon a nice woman with a little pot-bellied pig gassing up her horse trailer at one of the million pumps along the 5!
It was worth the trip when we finally got to Fullerton to visit Auntie T and Unckie Mike. We had a low-key evening with them - and Mandy, Dixie, and Buddy. Tyson got on great with the dogs, and like his mother, tried his best to win Buddy over (we were unsuccessful yet again).
On Saturday we took a fun trip with Tonia to the Fullerton Arboretum where I got to enjoy a talk on backyard orchards and the Tysons got to enjoy tromping around the grounds.
Later on Saturday, we made our way over to Grandma Mary's house where tyson re-discovered his love for Connect Four!
Then Aunt Mo came by with all the supplies to dye us up some Easter Eggs! Some beautiful eggs were created and barely a mess was made.
Aunt Mo and Funckle Kenny came by on Sunday morning for an Easter Egg Hunt! They brought some plastic eggs filled with candy and coins and Kenny and Tyson hid them (sort of) in the front yard. tyson was thrilled to find all the fun colored eggs and was flapping his arms with egg-citement (sorry)! It was so great to see him running around from egg to egg, collecting them as fast as he could. I was impressed that not only did he find all the eggs, but he also put the plastic eggs and the hard-boiled eggs into separate collection baskets!
After eating some of the candy tyson found and having Easter dinner with grandma, we headed over to our friend Mona's house for yet another easter egg hunt! I didn't get pictures of the hunt, but did manage to snap some of the pretty girls who were there...
The Lovely Paige Nicole (looking super-cute in the poncho I knitted for her) Chelsea, Natasha, and Natalie (with our busy hostess, Mona, in the background)