This past weekend the Tysons headed down to Santa Cruz to meet the freshest member of the family, Alison and Fred's new baby, little Oriana! Unfortunately, I had a cold and didn't want to expose babykins, so I didn't go. Luckily, my guys brought back some pictures and a cutie-pie video so I could join in on the fun...

Tonia also came for a visit last weekend. She wasn't feeling great, but she looks super and has just a little belly to evidence she's got three more cousins for tyson in there (affectionately know as Manny, Moe, and Jack around here)!

I know you've been on the edge of your seat waiting to see how those socks I was knitting turned out. Well, they're cute and comfy! And, don't be surprised if you find yourself with a pair of them some Christmas or birthday - lucky you!

Here's Mel modelling another new knitting creation by yours truly... last Friday I went to a "Magical Mystery Knitting Party" with a couple friends from the MOMS Club where they gave us instructions on what to knit without telling us what the finished product would be. The person who guessed what the finished item would be first won a $25 gift certificate for a class at Knit-One-One (the same place that hosted the sock class). And the winner was... me! Ha!

I know, I know, get on with more cute pictures of tyson... OK, here you go!

1 comment:
yay - super cuteness, oozing over my computer, and into my home!
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