Fa la la...
Each with his bonny lass,
upon the greeny grass.
Fa la la...
The Spring clad all in gladness,
Doth laugh at winter's sadness.
Fa la la...
- Thomas Morley, Now is the Month of Maying
Here are some pictures from the past week or so.
Michael and Tonia came up for a sale hosted by the San Francisco Parents of Multiples Club. We were hoping they'd find some good and cheap stuff for the girls, but by time we got there most of the best items were gone... tyson did get a toy out of the trip, though. (A racing helmet!)
We had fun running around Golden Gate Park (that's where the sale was), going out for a bite to eat, and looking around the de Young Museum, too!
We went to the beach at Lake Temescal here in Oakland with some friends from the MOMS Club last week. tyson's pale skin almost glows! Don't worry, we used lot's of sunscreen.
At the end of last week, tyson and I flew down to visit Grandma Mary! Our boy flies like an old pro! He played with his space figures while waiting in the airport and then reviewed all the safety information once we got on the plane! He must have missed the section on wearing your seatbelt, because that's the only part of the flight he had any trouble with.
On Saturday the Tysons and I went to the Maker Faire, which was happening in San Mateo. It's a gathering and expo of lots of crafts/crafters and people who make fun electronic do-dads and big flame throwing thingamajigs and moving sculptures and motorized cupcakes and robots and other random stuff that's fun to watch! Very interesting. Some of the stuff was super innovative and seemed useful - or at least really fun - and some of the stuff made you ask yourself, "Why would anyone spend their time building such a silly/stupid thing?" But even the items that fit into the latter category were pretty cool to look at.
Flame-throwing fire engine.
People got to run in the hamster wheel to the left to make this sculpture pick it's nose.
Motorized cupcakes.
Tysons checking out some flame-throwing sculptures.
"Mercedes Pens"
Mechanical puzzle (tyson loved this one!)
This guy was playing the drums while knitting with his drumsticks!
A bicycle made into a ride-on push mower!
Fire Truck Day!
Sorry, we forgot the camera. Hoping that Mag will send pictures of our fun trip to Ardenwood Farm for Fire Truck Day today. tyson had a great time climbing up on the trucks and we even met a fire fighter named Tyson! If I'd've had my camera I would have taken a picture of all THREE Tysons together...
OK, here are some pics from Fire Truck Day courtesy of our friend Mag (also known as Adrian's mom)!
And, a couple other pics just for fun.