We've had the good fortune of being able to see Grandma Iva and Grampa John on each of the last two weekends. Here are some highlights!
Here's tyson entering the trailer to spend the nite with his unsuspecting grandparents. It is his first night away from his loving parents and no one knows what to expect - except a good night's sleep for mommy and poppy!
All went well and tyson is invited to sleep over again in the future! This is quite an accomplishment considering that, not only was he away from home, but it was also storming and apparently the rain was making quite a racket on the roof of the trailer. We were very excited to see our munchkin in the morning and happy to see that grandma and grampa hadn't pulled all their hair out!
They stayed at Anthony Chabot Campground, which is just about 10 miles from our house. It's a great place for hiking and has a nice lake.
This past weekend we drove up to Oregon House to visit John and Iva and to attend "Vintage Tractor Days!" We had a lot of fun hanging out with some fun old tractors (pics of the tractor event will come later), lounging, and riding around on the ranger.
You can see a couple videos of us riding around in the ranger by clicking HERE or HERE.
And, here are a few more pics from the past couple weeks...
A fun trip to Yerba Buena Park in San Francisco to ride the carousel with Adrian and his mom, Mag.
A visit with a few other kids from the MOMS Club to the local retirement home - Piedmont Gardens - to spend some time playing with some of the residents.
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