A trip to the Oakland Zoo with Mag and Adrian last Wednesday...
The boys had a great time running around and looking at animals while Mag and I roasted in the sun. It was blazing hot out there so I waited in line for drinks for us while Mag gave the boys snacks/lunch. After about 15 minutes and the line having moved about five feet (with 15 ft. to go) I gave up - I was surprised that tyson had sat for as long as he had already! Luckily we brought juices for the boys and found some water in the gift shop.
After animals, the boys went on a couple rides before we headed home. The ticket-taker for the car ride measured Adrian to make sure he was tall enough while tyson walked on around and got in a car. Adrian just made it and tyson's about an inch shorter so I don't think they'd have let him on if he'd have waited his turn. In this instance I'm glad he was a little impatient - I can't imagine the tears that would have been shed if they hadn't let him ride.
On Friday we headed out to Don Castro Swim Lagoon in Hayward. It was a great little beach and the water was quite clean (and apparently chlorinated). tyson was a little timid about getting in the water at first, but was a real guppy by time we had to leave. He fell in the water face down a couple times, which scared him a bit. But he didn't cry, and seemed to be more confident in the water once he knew he would be OK if he went under.
This weekend we went camping at Anthony Chabot Campground with some families from the MOMS Club. We mostly just sat around talking and eating and playing with the kids and we had a great time! It was our first time out camping since tyson was born and I'd forgotten how much fun it is!
It also happened to be Fathers' Day while we were camping, so here are some pics of the kids and their fathers!
tyson and Poppy
Zac and Theo with their dad, Ken
Brody with his dad, Rod
Veronica and her dad, Joseph
Adrian and his dad, Carlo (with Theo)
Happy Fathers' Day!
Oh, and we got a new cat this week - his name is Frank. He was going to be sent to the pound, but now he lives here!
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