Tyson really liked this gravity funnel thing - he loved launching a penny and watching it roll around and around till it finally fell down through the hole. His pals, Theo, Zach, and Tristan, liked it, too!
We saw a great show in the planetarium... The Secret of the Cardboard Rocket

Their Planetarium is a full-dome digital projection system. This next generation projection technology is the most state-of-the-art on the planet. The images surround the audience, extending beyond the peripheral vision, leading to an experience that is fully immersive and engaging.)
The show was a full 40 minutes long. I thought we might have to grope our way out of the dark theater in the middle of the show, but tyson was completely immersed and engaged the whole time!
We had a great time looking at all the exhibits and playing with the toys, etc. they had there.
But, with all the educational and interactive exhibits, his favorite part of the visit to the Space Center was running back and forth through the plastic flaps that separated two of the rooms in the building... luckily he wasn't the only one who thought it was fun!
After all the excitement, tyson couldn't quite make it to his bed for his nap and fell asleep in the car on the way home.
Right now, Senior T and I are enjoying some Cat Cookies for People and watching a DVD of one of our favorite comedians, Patton Oswalt.
Nice way to start the weekend, doncha think?
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