Favorite family sport = Hall Ball!
Since Tyson won't be in town on Weds, I got an early BD present! He's arranged a trip for the three of us on the first weekend of Feb. to Monterey to visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium, do some letterboxing, and play like crazy at Dennis the Menace Playground!
We also went out to a celebratory dinner at the Kensington Circus Pub. It's a fun and super kid-friendly place - part of it looks more like a pre-school than a pub. The beer and food was good, too!
Then home for some dessert and silliness!
Before dinner, we went to look for new shoes for tyson. He tried on this lovely brown pair and found them so comfortable that he wouldn't put is old shoes back on! Well, we had to buy them so he'd have shoes on so they'd serve us at the restaurant! He loves them and we think they're pretty cute, too.
Today, due to a mis-set of the alarm clock, we didn't take Tyson to the airport for his trip to OKC until the afternoon. While it was stressful to get another flight arranged, it was nice to get to spend the morning together. We finally did have to take Pop to the airport. He'll be gone til Saturday and will be hanging out with his mom to offer her support and whatever help she might need this week while she's having knee-replacement surgery.
Later this afternoon - after we both took a snooze on the couch - tyson and I went for a little walk around the neighborhood...
In addition to nursing tyson back to health over the past few days, I've also been knitting up a Lucy Bag. After knitting it, I ran it through the washer a couple times to felt it, which makes it shrink up and become stronger!
This is the bag drying in the bathroom. When Tyson gets back, I'll get a pic of him holding it so we can compare its size to the first picture pre-felting.
And, here are some cute pictures of our favorite photo subject!
(Gotta work on getting him off the paci!)
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