On Friday, we took a trip to Alameda with our friends Mag and Adrian. We did a little shopping, but had the most fun when we ended up at Washington Park!
After the park we headed home for some reading and a nap!
The next day I took tyson for his first (professional) haircut. We went to Snippety Crickets in Berkeley. Some friends had recommended it so we checked it out.
I don't think tyson really enjoyed having his hair cut, but he did a great job sitting still and he ended up looking real handsome!
We were super excited to pick up Tyson at the airport, but due to weather, things got delayed so he didn't come in til quite late. Fortunately our friends Tom, Wendy, Ryland and Georgia invited us over for some dinner and dancing (jumping around!).
We were tired, but happy when we finally got to sit down and relax with Poppy back home where we like him!
Today we went to Children's Fairyland in Oakland and coincidentally ran into our friends Mag and Adrian with their dad/husband, Carlo!
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